You can contact Andrew Roberts by phone on 0208 986 5251

If you want a tutorial in his office (TG72 - Town Hall) you should arrange it by telephone or email. TG72 (which used to be numbered TG91) is next door to the Criminology and Sociology Office.

[See classes for more background on where I am at different times]. If your tutorial is about an essay or draft, you should bring a copy with you.

History of Social Ideas

All work should be submitted by email to

The subject of the email should be:


Write this in capitals, exactly as shown, with no other words. This sorts the email on the tutor's computer. If you put the subject in correctly, you will receive an electronic receipt within the following 24 hours.

All work (drafts and essays) should be written on this Word template. Download it to your computer and save it with a simple name like History.doc

Read the notes on the template carefully.

Read your work through before you send it

History of Social Science, Madness and Crime

All work should be submitted by email to

The subject of the email should be:


Write this in capitals, exactly as shown, with no other words. This sorts the email on the tutor's computer. If you put the subject in correctly, you will receive an electronic receipt within the following 24 hours.

All work (drafts and essays) should be written on this Word template. Download it to your computer and save it with a simple name like History.doc

Read the notes on the template carefully.

Read your work through before you send it

Dissertation Students should use the Dissertation Template. If your dissertation includes interviews or questionnaires you should use the primary research Dissertation Template. These templates include you Proposal, Ethics Application and Log


Marking Guide