City and Hackney Community Health Services
St Leonards, Nuttall Street, London, N1 5LZ
The Trust is a "provider" part of the NHS. It provides things rather than
"commissioning" them. The Trust includes:
City and Hackney Health Promotion Team
(Second floor, D Block)
Telephone: 020 7301 3044
Fax: 020 7301 3043
The Trust is related to:
City and Hackney Joint Planning Unit
Hackney office (above) remains the main centre, but August 1998 mailing
using name City and Hackney Carers Centre also included a City
office at:
City and Hackney Carers Centre
4th Floor, Matheson House, 142-144 Minories, Aldgate, London, EC3N
Telephone 020 7702 4211
The campaign is run by disabled people who were previously in receipt of a
travel consession known as the Freedom Pass, but who have
not been able to renew it since the introduction of a new eligibility
criteria, the main aim of which was to save the council £50,000 in
this financial year. The group meets once a week to plan their campaign
strategy. Disability Hackney, which is a disability umbrella organisatioin
based at HCVS is facilitating the activities of the group.